What is hemoglobin? What is the limit of it?
Hemoglobin is a blood component which is synthesized from the ribosomes in the red blood cells. The task of the hemoglobin is to carry the oxygen to the tissues. The hemoglobin molecule consists of two parts. The first part is a globin which is a four a polypeptide chained protein. The second part is porphyrin which has an iron in the middle of it.Hemoglobin value differs between the sexes. In men, the normal range is 13:50 to 17:50 g / dl; in women the normal range is 12.00-16.00g/dl. If hemoglobin is under normal level it is called anemia, if it is over normal level it is called polycythemia.
What is hematocrit?
It’s the percentage of red blood cells in the blood. It is equal to three times the amount of hemoglobin in the blood level. If hemoglobin is under normal level it is called anemia, if it is over normal level it is called polycythemia.
What is Polycythemia? What are the reasons for it?
Polycthemia is a situation when hemoglobin and hematocrit values are high. The main reasons are: Living in high places, congenital heart diseases, excessive water loss andprolonged hypoxia. Polycythemia may cause skin redness, itching, fever, shortness of breath, decreased blood fluidity, thrombosis and vascular occlusion. One of third polycthemia patients may see high blood pressure.
Polycythemia is divided into two;
1-Secondary polycythemia:
It’s seen as adaptation in lung diseases, heart diseases, obesity and human in living high places.
2-Polisitemia vera:
It happens when bone marrow production of red blood cells is too much. The reason is a genetic failure which is called jak2. Thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, and splenomegaly are seen in these patients. Common complaints are feeling of fullness, dizziness, headache, red, vibrant facial appearance, hypertension.
İnt. Doctor Ahmet Bahadır UÇAR
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