YANIK İNFEKSİYONLARINDA ETİYOLOJİ Yanık infeksiyonları bakteriler, mantarlar ve virüsler tarafından oluşturulabilirler. Bunların arasında bakteriler (sıklıkla aeroblar) ...


Öncelikle bazı kavramları açıklamak istiyorum: 1. METABOLİZMA: Vücudun tüm(kaslar, karaciğer, beyin, diğer organlar) doku ve hücrelerindeki ...


‘’EKMEĞİ-PÄ°LAVI KES’’ ÖNERÄ°SÄ° OBEZÄ°TEYE SEBEP OLUYOR   Daha önceki yazılarımda defalarca yazdım o yüzden lafı fazla uzatmayacağım.  ...

Varis nedir?

Varis nedir?

                      Varis nedir? Oksijence fakir kanı(kirli kanı) akciÄŸerlere taşıyan toplar…

What is Fibrinogen?

What is Fibrinogen?

What is Fibrinogen? Fibrinogen is responsible in clotting of the blood. A normal levels for fibrinogen are between 200 and…

Tibbiyardim.com ARTIK Ä°NGÄ°LÄ°ZCE !!

Tibbiyardim.com ARTIK Ä°NGÄ°LÄ°ZCE !! YoÄŸun istek üzerine sitemizdeki yazıları Türkçe’nin yanında  İngilizce diline de çevirme kararı aldığımızı bildirmekten gurur duyarız….

Hydrops Fetalis

Hydrops Fetalis

A CASE OF NON-immune Hydrops Fetalis: Hydrops fetalis appears in many different ways as a nonspesific finding, characterized by accumulation of fluid in the fetal tissues and body cavities. Infected rh / Rh…

What is Anemia?

What is Anemia?

What is Anemia? It’s the situation when hemoglobin and red blood cells appear under normal levels in the blood. There…

What is hemoglobin? What is the limit of it?

What is hemoglobin? What is the limit of it?

What is hemoglobin? What is the limit of it? Hemoglobin is a blood component which is synthesized from the ribosomes in the red…

Healthy Eating for Children and Babies – 1 (Calorie Needs and Protein Requirements)

Healthy Eating for Children and Babies – 1 (Calorie Needs and Protein Requirements)

Healthy Eating for Children and Babies – 1 (Calorie Needs and Protein Requirements) A calorie is a unit of measurement…

Healthy Eating for Children and Babies

Healthy Eating for Children and Babies

Healthy Eating for Children and Babies – 1 (Fluid Consumption) A-) Fluid The vital part of the nurtition and being…

Ä°nfectious Disease

Ä°nfectious Disease

HEPATITIS B and HEPATITIS C Hepatitis is a liver disease which is known as icterus among community. It causes cells…



Albumin What are the duties of albumin? What are the benefits of it? Albumin is the transportation unit of the…